
In this section you will find information regarding the lectures and seminars offered by the Chair of Behavioral International Management (BIM). 

The Chair of Behavioral International Management regularly offers the following modules:


  • Bachelor-Abschlussseminar (20000): every summer and winter term
  • Bachelor Thesis Seminar (29993): every summer and winter term


  • International Corporate Strategy (50114): every summer term (please see note below)
  • Cross-Cultural Management (22683): every winter term (please see note below)
  • Scientific Project in Behavioral International Management (23099): every summer and winter term (please see note below)
  • Master Thesis with Research Seminar (29994): every summer and winter term



Changes in course offer

With the rearrangement of the faculty’s study programs (starting in winter term 24/25), International Corporate Strategy is no longer offered in the winter term, but in every summer term. This change will take place as follows:

  • International Corporate Strategy will be taught as usual in the upcoming winter term 2024/25.
  • In the summer term 2025, International Corporate Strategy will be taught in the new system for the first time. From this semester onwards, International Corporate Strategy will no longer be taught in the winter term, but only in the respective summer term (i.e., no lecture and no tutorial in the winter term 2025/26). There will be no lectures/tutorials and no exam for Cross-Cultural Management.
  • After shifting International Corporate Strategy, Cross-Cultural Management will be taught in the winter term (starting from winter term 2025/26).

Research semester in ST25

Prof. Schlägel will take a research semester in the summer term 2025. This means that no Scientific Project will be offered in the summer term 2025. The next Scientific Project will be offered in winter term 2025/26. The International Corporate Strategy lecture and all Bachelor and Master Thesis Seminars will be offered as usual in the summter term 2025.


All changes at a glance:

  • WT24/25: International Corporate Strategy
  • ST25: International Corporate Strategy (no Scientific Project and no Cross-Cultural Management)
  • WT25/26: Cross-Cultural Management
  • ST26: International Corporate Strategy


Information about exams at the BIM chair:

The International Corporate Strategy exam is offered every semester, even if the lectures/tutorials are not offered (retake exam open to tall). The Cross-Cultural Management exam is only offered in semesters where the lectures/tutorials are taught (every winter term from WT25/26 on).


Information about accepted aids for ICS exam in winter term 2024/25

Accepted aids for the ICS exam: dictionary (without annotations) and calculator

You don't have to calculate anything in the exam, but you may have a calculator on your table.

Last Modification: 05.02.2025 - Contact Person: